Solomons Harbor Marina

1 Review
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205 Holiday Drive
Solomons, MD 20688
38° 20' 13.35'', -76° 27' 42.45''
(410) 326-2162
VHF Ch. 16
Solomons Island
Solomons Harbor Marina
Solomons Harbor Marina
Solomons Harbor Marina
Solomons Harbor Marina
Solomons Harbor Marina
Solomons Harbor Marina
Solomons Harbor Marina
Solomons Harbor Marina
Solomons Harbor Marina
Solomons Harbor Marina
Solomons Harbor Marina
Solomons Harbor Marina
Solomons Harbor Marina
Solomons Harbor Marina
Solomons Harbor Marina
Solomons Harbor Marina

Berth Capacity



Minimum Approach Depth:8.0 Meters
Minimum Channel Depth:0.0 Feet
Mean Low Water Dock Depth:0.0 Meters
Mean High Water Clearance:0.0 Feet

Services & Amenities

Last Updated: Dec 15, 2022

Transient Storage:Yes
Long Term Storage:Yes
Service & Maintenance:Nearby
Swimming Pool:Yes
Groceries:Within 5 Miles
Medical Facility:Within 5 Miles
Pharmacy:Within 5 Miles
Car Rentals:Within 5 Miles
Fitness Center:Yes
Golf:Within 5 Miles
Tennis:Within 5 Miles
Max. Vessel LOA:100.0 Feet
Max. Slip Width:0.0 Meters
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I just wanted to share this with everyone who is thinking of a trip down the Intercoastal Waterway. In August 2010 my wife, my son and myself started out at Chesapeake City Maryland to head south on the waterway with our new 20' Sea Hunt boat. We had planned on taking 5 days going south and then turn around and a return trip home. I planned all our stops along the way and the first was Solomon's Harbor Marina. The owners name is Bill. When I made my reservations with them and the Holiday Inn Express it was very easy. The morning I was launching they gave me a call to see what time I would be getting to their marina. It was nice to know that they cared that we were coming. During our ride to Solomon we encountered 8' swells in the Chesapeake and it made for a very nasty ride. They again called me in the afternoon to see if we were still on time to arrive at their marina. They said they would listen for us on the marine radio. With the water conditions anything but desirable we were about three hours late for our arrival. Bill was still on the radio waiting for us to arrive. His marina closed at 5:00 PM we did not get to the marina until 8:00PM and he was still standing on the docks waiting for us to assist in the tie up and to welcome us and make sure we were ok. I would recommend this marina to anybody, they truely care about their customers and are very nice and helpful. I might take another trip, by car this time, just to visit and say HI.

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