Round Pond Harbor
Round Pond Harbor
Round Pond Harbor
Round Pond Harbor

Round Pond Harbor

Round Pond, Maine United States
Lat: 43° 56' 39.75''
Lon: -69° 27' 22.06''
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Marinas near Round Pond Harbor

NameReviewsMax LOAVHFDock DepthGas / DieselLift / CraneWifiAmps
Padebco Custom Boats-


-Low 0.0 mHigh 0.0'






Muscongus Bay Lobster Company--------
Muscongus Marina--------
Keene Narrows Lobster-

0.0 m

-Low 0.0 mHigh 0.0 m----
Broad Cove Marine Services-

0.0 m

-Low 0.0 mHigh 0.0'----
New Harbor Fisherman's Cooperative, Inc.--------
Pemaquid Fishermans Co-Op-

0.0 m

-Low 0.0 mHigh 0.0 m----
Pemaquid Marine--------
Pemaquid Beach Boat Works--------
Schooner Landing Marina-

0.0 m

-Low 0.0'High 0.0 m----
Riverside Boat Company-

0.0 m

-Low 0.0 mHigh 0.0'----
South Bristol Fisherman's Co-Op--------
Bittersweet Landing Boat Yard-

0.0 m

-Low 0.0'High 0.0'----
Osiers Wharf-

0.0 m

-Low 0.0 mHigh 0.0 m----
Gamage Shipyard-----



Round Pond is a secure, protected harbor located off Muscongus Sound on upper Pemaquid Neck. Round Pond is 30 miles southeast of Vinalhaven and 12 miles northeast of Boothbay Harbor.

There are four marine service/marina facilities located on Round Pond, and you can find dockside transient slips at at least one. Another facility in the harbor has transient moorings for rent on a nightly basis. Gas and diesel fuel are available at Muscongus Bay Lobster Company and Padebco Boats. (A lift for haul-outs is also available at Padebco Boats.)

If you need to tie up your dinghy when coming ashore from a mooring or your own anchor, there is a public landing for tie-ups on the waterfront.

The image above is a view from the east looking west over Round Pond where it meets Muscongus Sound.

Navigating the Water:

Use NOAA Chart 13301.

Round Pond is approached from either the north or south through Muscongus Bay west of Louds Island. If you are approaching from the south, you will fist need to clear a series of ledges, starting with red nun “6,” which is at the southern end of Louds island.

Once you have successfully navigated to red nun buoy “6,” set a course of approximately 023 degrees magnetic for about 1.1 miles to intercept green can buoy “7,” which marks Portland Ledge.

After you have cleared green can buoy “7,” head north-northeast toward green can buoy “9,” which marks the location of Poland North Ledge. Mind this mark carefully; it is shallow and dangerous.

The final approach from the south into Round Pond involves setting and following a course of about 19 degrees magnetic for 1 mile from green can buoy “9” (at Poland Ledge) to green can buoy “1” at the entrance to Round Pond.

Depths at the entrance and inside the harbor range from nine to 17 feet; the northern side of the harbor has the best depths.

Local Notices to Mariners:

Local Notices to Mariners are available online from the U.S. Coast Guard.

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