Puerto Arecibo
Puerto Arecibo
Puerto Arecibo
Puerto Arecibo
Puerto Arecibo
Puerto Arecibo
Puerto Arecibo

Puerto Arecibo Harbor

Puerto Arecibo, Puerto Rico
Lat: 18° 28' 45.84''
Lon: -66° 41' 26.15''
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Marinas near Puerto Arecibo Harbor

NameReviewsMax LOAVHFDock DepthGas / DieselLift / CraneWifiAmps
Club Nautico Arecibo--------
Puerto Arecibo Wharf--------
Aguadilla Town Docks
1 reviews
Villa Pesquera Restaurant & Marina--------
Caribbean Images Marina-


-Low 10.0 mHigh 11.0'---
Ponce Yacht and Fishing Club
1 reviews


-Low 15.0'High 0.0'






30, 50, 100
Club Nautico Rincon
1 reviews

0.0 m

-Low 0.0 mHigh 0.0 m----
Cana Gorda State Park--------
Club Nautico de San Juan Marina-


16----30, 50, 100
La Bahia Marina--------
Club Deportivo-

0.0 m

-Low 0.0 mHigh 0.0'----
Marina 9 Barrios--------
Marina Puerto Real
1 reviews


16Low 9.0'




-30, 50, 100
Villa Pesquera Boatyard--------

The town of Arecibo lies on the northern coast of Puerto Rico about 40 miles west of San Juan, 27 miles east of Isabela and 36 miles north of Ponce. Lush and green, the surrounding landscape contrasts the more arid landscape of locales found on Puerto Rico’s southern coast.

One of Arecibo’s claims to fame is the Arecibo Observatory, which is home to one of the world’s largest and most powerful radio telescopes. The dish of the telescope is actually a tiles surface built into the bowl of a mountain.


Arecibo was settled in 1556 and was the third Spanish settlement on the island. It wouldn’t be until sixty years later in 1616 when the town would officially adopt its name, which is from an old Indian leader that ruled the area.

Navigating the Water:

The half-moon-shaped harbor here is not very well protected, save for a breakwatered area on the west end of the harbor, which is where the town anchorage is located. A flashing white light form the lighthouse atop Punta Morrillos will help guide you in from the Atlantic.

Local Notices to Mariners:

See our “Local Notices to Mariners” blog for updates on the latest conditions and advisories for this area.

Helpful Links:

Guide to Puerto Arecibo

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