Report Review
Well it's a sad day for my Family and myself as we've had to leave Bridgeport today...we've had many happy yrs and made some special friendships both with fellow boaters and staff...But in an embarrassing display of unprofessionalism the New owner Trevor Lecluse Showed his true colors over a simple parking infraction...its sad that this special place will be run into the ground by a controlling egomaniac with ZERO!!! customer care in mind , and a clear chip on his shoulder....I can't be more disappointed and embarrassed for him as a simple apology would've settled this matter....I will miss my friends and all the great gas dock staff...These young people at the gas dock are the true professionals at Bridgeport...But i won't be far as im next door at Marapose where the owner Frank welcomed us with open arms and a kind heart...So Adeose Bridgeport and good miss Mapleleaf.