Report Review
Arrived 25 June and departed 28 June 2022. A natural harbor, the channel into Erie Harbor is well marked with good water depth, locals advise to stay east of Red Buoy #2 due to building west sandbar. Likewise, locals advise of nets and submerged stakes immediately north of Presque Isle. From channel entrance head for the east most red buoy, Erie Harbor Lighted Buoy 14, then proceed to channel between the Sheraton and Bayview Convention Center under the pedestrian bridge, nominal height 68 ft and water depth of 9ft. Marina personnel are very responsive, personable, and professional. Marina office/basic marine supplies, restrooms, and showers are located at head of pier. Excellent security with use of FOB. Internet is provided but has random outage. Access to city venues are within a block on State Street or patronize the numerous venues in marina vicinity. The Maritime Museum has limited open days, Thursday through Saturday. The water taxi from Perry’s Landing to Presque Ilse is permanently closed, access to Presque State Park is by car or watercraft.