Report Review

Scallop trip August 17 & 18. Amazing how bad this place was for a scallop trip. Sea Hags has been great for years but decided to go with the new guys to get new stuff. Jokes on us. The rental boats came up used from some other marina. I took pics for this review but no upload ability. The cushions were black from mildew with the seams ripped apart from rot. In boat checkout the guy made big deal about us paying if we broke it. He said he noted on form that some paint was off prop but kept skag in the water. He was being so picky I raised motor to see skag, it was broken off with some cheesy piece of plastic bolted on to create a skag. Boat did run well. We were going to buy new stuff to support the new guys. We wanted catch bags, gloves and new mask. The marina store had none of this; only child mask & fin sets like at Walmart, none for adults. No gloves available and only small string mesh bags like used for mask clear & supplies for $19.99, no scallop bags. So we went to Sea Hags, 15 different types of mask fully stocked, about a dozen different types of gloves and different catch bags. The bag the Hatch marina had was $6.95 here. You are only allowed one 5 gallon bucket with boat rental even though limit is 10 gallons per boat. I wanted a 2nd bucket and the manager got very rude, said he started with 1000 buckets and only 20 left because of customer theft. What?? Now the marina store had more fishing baits than you can imagine, fully stocked shoes and boots, 5 different spear guns and the best stocked liquor store in The Hatch. Just not the stuff you need to scallop during scallop season. This place is the worst miss-allocation of capital that I have seen in retail. Throw in a marina manager that is rude and doesn’t seem to speak the truth and I give the place a well deserved 1 of 5 stars. What a shame.
