Report Review

A member of my YC already had a less than enjoyable stay on the mooring but the review of the restaurant I felt warranted a stop. I reserved a slip, not wanting to repeat his mistake and eventually got a confirmation. While motoring to the marina, I received a call that there would be no one at the marina to help us dock but was assured this is a members run club and I would be OK. Oh yea, nobody answers the VHF. Following the direction I turned into the marina, into the first fairway and lined myself up for the designated slip. I was committed and lined myself up. The slip assigned to me measured 28' from finger pier to finger pier. The piers are about 35' long and the piers taper to 2'. Midway dow the finger pier you gain about 1.5' in width. The 42' to 45' viking has a beam of 16'4", my beam is 13'6". How they expected to cram in 29'10" into a slip with only 29'6" pf space plus bumpers must be a mew type of math. I suffered two bent stanchions that will cost me about $250 plus the time and labor costs to replace them, hoping I can purchase them and not have them bent straight. Putting me in a slip that I could not possibly fit is pure greed. I waited 48 hours to write this so that I could cool off. I did not cool off!!!!
