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Report Review

After reading the reviews about Salpare Bay I had to write one. I feel the reviews are unfair and you deserve hearing another side of the story. I have had my boat moored at Salpare since the beginning. The place is the nicest around. There are lots of liveaboards now in this marina and they welcome more. Some of us do have dogs and they are well behaved. If your dogs get out of control and the management gets enough complaints you will be asked to leave. (Any marina would) There is ample parking and everyone works well with each other. There are signs that have always said do not park in the Tomahawk Island Parking lot but some people still do it. Salpare is a first class marina and the harbor master dose a great job. With all of this said please stop by and see the place for yourself. Moorage prices are higher here than most marinas in Portland but the docks are great and it’s well worth it. If the boater with the dogs could have kept their dogs inline I’m sure they would still be here.
