Report Review

Cove Marinas was a little bit of a mixed bag, but overall very good. The good -EXTREMELY calm and protected from the south and West, in the Lee I’d Fort Adams. Calmer than anywhere else in Brenton Cove, or probably anywhere in Newport. Denise who runs it was very communicative and flexible. We needed to change the date of our reservation less than 24 hours b4 we were supposed to arrive and she was exceptionally easy about it. The mixed-Strictly speaking these aren’t moorings. They are small Narrow floating docks secured to the bottom by moorings fore and aft. similar to what I’ve seen in rivers. As such you need to be ready with fenders and lines. Definitely more of a number than grabbing a mooring. We shared #1 with a charter cat which gave us much less privacy than a mooring would have. Finally, they were an extremely shallow spot-shallow like awash at low tide-RIGHT-in front of the the little dock making arrival and departure both a little tense.
