Report Review

We are not Safe Harbor members. Burnt Store Marina Safe Harbor, is about the same as Burnt Store Marina before it was a "Safe Harbor Marina". The static docks are fine. The water and power work. The staff is very good. The Deli and the restaurant are good. Pump-out, fuel dock.... all good. We were there for a couple of weeks, and provisioning became necessary. The town of Punta Gorda is 10 miles away, with no way to get there (that we found) other than an Uber, which took 20 minutes to get to the marina, and wasn't cheap. It's a long walk. or short bike ride to the pool, which was nice and warm. On "H" dock, you can hear the forklifts from the boat club beeping all day. On "G" Dock it's much better, and of course you don't hear them at night. At night you hear the bar band, which isn't all bad.
