Report Review

Good stay, good people running the place, great location, friendly neighbors. I am normally in Montrose harbor on a mooring can, but rented the slip for the weekend for air and water show. I did get shoehorned into a 30' slip for my 33' while paying for the full freight for my length. It ended up being fine but tight getting in and hanging off the end. Docks were fairly dirty, some wort of green slime that got tracked all over the boat if wet (rained quite a bit), they definitely could use a power washing. The bathrooms are the main focus of this review, because they are horrible. From the beginning of the weekend, before the Air and Water show rush, they were overflowing and nasty. Toilet paper was empty and water was flowing under the doors of many rooms all weekend. I typically don't use the bathrooms or showers here, since I am on a can, but I can't even imagine having to take a shower here. You would end up dirtier than you started. I am not sure I fault the staff, it's just a poorly designed floating bathroom, which makes the task of cleaning a lot harder. A serious investment should be made in the bathrooms.
