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Report Review

I’m writing this review without actually staying at the Marina. Was headed down from Ft. Lauderdale outside when our starboard fuel cooler failed and was leaking into bilge at a fair clip. Soooo, we headed in at Miami on one engine after pumping bilge of course. In the midst of this(before even getting in shore at Miami)this marina called us for routine “when you arriving?” call. I let them know that we had an ongoing mechanical failure preventing us from getting to the marina for that night(Friday) and the Sunday of same weekend. I asked if I could just get a credit for the two nights since we live close and would definitely be back down. I was told this would be relayed to the dock master and never heard anything more. Fast forward two days where I receive a disappointing call from Daniel, I think it was. Long and short, they stuck me with that friday dockage fee since I was within the cancellation window. I get it, but I’ve never had a marina actually stick it to me, when I clearly had a mechanical and was requesting a credit. I think his side was that the person I talked to wasn’t authorized to handle this etc. I just needed to know that and I would have called them back! Also cancelled with Faro Blanco for the next night because of this mechanical and they wished us well and didn’t charge us. I expect the marina to get on here and give “their side” exonerating them, etc. I will just say that I have been at this a while up north on the East Coast, and I have not seen this sort of robotic, alienating customer service leveled on a boater clearly having a mechanical failure causing the cancel—and asking for a credit for a future stay, geez.
