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Las Croabas Harbor Inlet

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Las Croabas, Puerto Rico
18° 21' 46.08'', -65° 36' 57.95''
Las Croabas Harbor
Las Croabas Harbor Inlet
Las Croabas Harbor Inlet
Las Croabas Harbor Inlet
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Los Crobas is a quaint, quiet, and pretty little town located on the very northeast point of Puerto Rico. Ashore you will find a couple of excellent restaurants and a couple of markets for restocking the galley. If you need repairs that require haul-out, there is a small yard ashore, and they will allow you to work on your own boat, sans sanding and bottom painting.

Navigating the Water:

The main limiting factor to navigation is the depth of Los Croabas’ harbor. Average depths are around 6 feet (7 to 9 feet in the inlet area pictured above), but there are shallower spots scattered around the harbor. Most of the tie ups here are moorings, although you may be able to find limited swing room outside the mooring field (unlikely).

As is visible in the image above, there is a narrow entrance channel that leads into the harbor starting with green daybeacon “1” and red daybeacon “2,” which are followed a little farther on by green daybeacon “3.” A turn to port after green daybeacon “3” will put you right in the center of the harbor and the town’s mooring field.

Local Notices to Mariners:

See our “Local Notices to Mariners” blog for updates on the latest conditions and advisories for this area.

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