Christmas Cove Inlet

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Rutherford Island, Maine United States
43° 50' 30.13'', -69° 33' 43.93''
Christmas Cove
Christmas Cove Inlet
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Christmas Cove is not located at the North Pole. More accurately, it is located west of Pemaquid Neck and east of Linekin Neck off the Damariscotta River on Rutherford Island.

The image above is a view from the southwest looking northeast over the entrance to Christmas Cove where it meets the Damariscotta River. Foster Point is visible in the left-hand portion of the image, while the lower part of Rutherford Island is visible to the right.

Navigating the Water:

Use NOAA Chart 13293.

Christmas Cove is reached via an approach through the Damariscotta River from the Atlantic Ocean.

Red and white Morse (A) buoy “HL” marks the beginning of the approach to Christmas Cove in the Atlantic Ocean just east of Fisherman Island Passage. Red and white Morse (A) buoy “HL” is located at an approximate waypoint of N43 48.384 W69 34.809.

Once you have safely navigated to Red and white Morse (A) buoy “HL,” set an approximate course of 030 degrees magnetic for about 2.4 miles to arrive in the area of red and green nun buoy just south of Foster Point and the entrance to Christmas Cove.

Past red and green nun buoy “FP,” head to the northeast to find red daybeacon “2,” which marks the location of a ledge that is semi-submerged at times of high water, but normally visible. Past red daybeacon “2,” green daybeacon “3” is visible just to port.

Inside Christmas Cove is the Coveside Inn, Marina and Restaurant, and excellent facility that accepts transient guests, administers the moorings in Christmas Cove, and also pumps both gas and diesel fuel. There is also, as the name suggests, and excellent restaurant onsite.

Local Notices to Mariners:

Local Notices to Mariners are available online from the U.S. Coast Guard.

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