Cape Elizabeth Lighthouse

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Cape Elizabeth, Maine United States
43° 33' 57.96'', -70° 11' 59.8''
Portland Harbor
Cape Elizabeth Lighthouse
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Tour Schedule:

The light keeper’s house is privately owned and the lighthouse property is not accessible to visitors.


The Cape Elizabeth Lighthouse is the most powerful lighthouse in Maine with a four million candlepower light that is visible for 27 miles out to sea. The original second order Fresnel lens was replaced with a VRB-25 acrylic optic when the United States Coast Guard automated the light in 1963. The lighthouse sits on Cape Elizabeth about eight miles south of Portland.

The lighthouse itself is constructed of cast iron with a white and black finish. Standing some 129 feet above the water, the light beams four short white flashes every 15 seconds out into Casco Bay and Bigelow Bight.


Two stone lighthouses were in operation in 1828, roughly 300 yards apart. In 1874 the two stone towers were replaced with 65-foot-high cast iron towers, and in 1924 the government decided to convert all twin-light stations to single towers, so Two Lights western tower was decommissioned and the eastern light remains today.

The United States Coast Guard actively maintains the current light today as a very important aid to navigation.

Navigating in and Around the Lighthouse:

Use NOAA Chart 13288.

The Cape Elizabeth Lighthouse is a very important aid to navigation that helps guide ships into Portland, but also to keep ships transiting Bigelow Bight offshore and clear of land.

Local Notices to Mariners:

Local Notices to Mariners are available online from the U.S. Coast Guard.

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