Report Review

Good morning, I am contacting you today due to the terrible and illegitimate experience I have had at Redondo Beach marina. I have been harassed by harbor patrol since the day of my first reservation. Multiple times a day they asked me if I rented the space, which I clearly did. I told them I have a receipt and every day they continued to pressure me, question me , and complain that other boaters did not pay. After the 7 legal days I was told I am allowed to book at he office I was informed that I could extend my trip or speak with the harbor about anchoring for the allotted time. I went to the harbor at the end of my reservation and inquired about anchoring my boat, they told me I had to speak with Craig the dock master and gain his approval. Due to the fact that the office is closed on Sunday and I was to speak with him Monday morning. This was an agreed upon conversation from the fire chief a British man who claims to be the harbor master and also he same person who has been harassing me daily. I come back to my boat from land and they follow me around for at least 10 minutes and then approach my boat where I have my 2 year old son with me. They told me why am I still here legally I'm only allowed 5 days within the harbor and that they didn't not care that I paid for 7 days. They then went on to use racially charged language at me and my family (we are an interracial couple). Then when I told them I did not understand anything that was happening he told me that we would not be welcomed back in the harbor. This went on for about an hour to which concluded that if I do decide to come back I have to contact the fire department directly and at there discretion they will let me anchor or rent a ball....... I feel that I am being treated unjustly under the law and not being given the same opportunity to anchor my vessel or use the marina to the same capacity as other boaters. If you would please let me know that you received this message I would appreciate it because it is not fair for anyone to be discriminated against.
