Keenan Marina - Grand Haven

7 Reviews
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1211 Jackson St
Grand Haven, MI 49417
43° 4' 2.53'', -86° 12' 39.96''
(616) 846-3830
Grand Haven Harbor
Keenan Marina - Grand Haven


Boaters Choice Elite Fleet 2024

Berth Capacity

Dry Storage:100

Services & Amenities

Last Updated: Jan 22, 2024

Transient Storage:Yes
Long Term Storage:Yes
Dry Stack:Yes
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I always had a designated parking spot for my car now it seems to first come first serve?

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All good! Will be back!

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My first year, great experience! Friendly staff, very accommodating ... wish we could do in-out thru Sept :-)

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I've enjoyed the GH side the last couple seasons. The staff is always nice and helpful. One downfall is the end of the season when everyone is cleaning up their boats . The hoses often don't work at all because they're broken or they have patched holes in them so spray all over. I would suggest moving the racks further apart so we don't spray each other, especially that last week. I said something about donating one of my good hoses and was reminded by another patron that we pay plenty for there to be decent hoses available. Just a few thoughts on how to improve. Thanks!

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I am a in and out customer. Everything this tear was as expected.

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Quick service most of the time

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I did not visit Keenan Marina

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