Report Review

This is a tough review to write because our 3 nights on the Stage Hand mooring was both positive and negative. Starting with the positives: Great showers and for the most part, the launch service, nice mariners lounge Great town to visit Short walk to laundry, groceries and liquor store Beautiful schooners slowly sailing by us during sunset, a lovely evening show The negatives: All moorings are $60 whether you are in the protected inner harbor or out in Stage Hand where the Annisquam River boat wakes keep the boat rocking all day long to the point you cannot stay on the boat safely The launch service on Saturday afternoon was beyond dismal. We had spent the day ashore because of the wakes near the mooring. Another couple and us got on the empty launch at the Harbormaster dock, we needed to go to Stage Hand and they towards the Ten Pound moorings. We boarded the launch at 4pm, the launch driver then proceeded to pick up people from the inner harbor moorings and kept dropping them off without going towards the outer harbor. While he was answering calls for puck up, he wasn’t paying attend backed into a boat and only became aware of this when a passenger yelled at him. We finally got to our mooring at 5:05 pm after he pulled close to our boat at full throttle at which time I finally broke and yelled at him to slow down and remind him he is responsible for any damage his wake could cause. The following day, another launch driver heard about this and apologized repeatedly. If the outer moorings are to be treated as second class to the inner harbor, the fee for the nightly mooring should reflect it.
