Narraskatuck Creek Inlet

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Amityville, New York United States
40° 39' 30.96'', -73° 25' 22.07''
Robert Moses Crossway Bridge
Narraskatuck Creek Inlet
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Local Notices to Mariners:

Local Notices to Mariners are available online from the U.S. Coast Guard.


Narraskatuck Creek Inlet is situated on the south shore of Long Island about nine miles east of Jones Beach and nine miles west of Fire Island Inlet on Great South Bay. Located in the town of Amityville, Victorian and contemporary homes line the creek, and shops for stocking the galley are relatively close by

Narraskatuck Creek is the busiest yachting area in the town of Amityville. Inside the small creek you will find seven different marine facilities, and three of them will accept transient guests at their slips. One of the facilities has a 40-ton lift and extensive repair operations.

Navigating the Water:

Use NOAA Chart 12352.

Carman and Narrascatuck creeks are tucked behind Unqua Point at the juncture of Great South and South Oyster bays.

If you are traveling on the State Boat Channel along Jones Beach Island, you can cut across shallow Great South Bay through dredged Amityville Cut. The cut is unfortunately not lighted or marked, but it does have relatively good depths of 10 feet in most spots. Amityville Cut exits the State Boat Channel at Gilgo Island and dumps into the Great South Bay Channel about a half-mile southeast of Narraskatuck Creek.

From South Oyster Bay, follow the channel west to red nun “22” and green can “23” south of Narraskatuck Creek (keep in mind that you cannot make a straight approach to the creek from Unqua Point due to shoals). Once you have reached red nun “22” and green can “23,” head north along the shore, and then into the creek. Keep an eye on the depth sounder every bit of the way.

From the east, mind the shoals along the great South Bay channel to red nun “22” and green can “23,” and then feel your way along the north shoreline into the creek. Marinas line the creek on both sides, but most heavily at the head of the creek and on the east side.

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