
Nordhavn 75 EYF
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Enormous surge. Snapped lines on several boats and exploding fenders. Dock people were very helpful. Update- because of the bad conditions, the general manager discounted our rate from daily to monthly. This was a very generous gesture .

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I’m a little late in writing this, but I thought I should contribute. We took a slip here for the summer, and based upon being a long-term tenant, I have the following comments; The parking situation absolutely stinks, you have to take their shuttle down the road about 3 miles to get to your car. The shuttle only runs, when they get around to it, between eight am and seven pm (but after five, the fellow who drives the boat to the moorings is also your driver so you have to have to wait a long time). If you’re going to the airport on an early flight the next day and leave your car overnight in the parking lot you will always get a parking ticket. Staff are unfamiliar with basic marina tasks. Security is nonexistent. While we tied off to the dock it self-destructed, ate our boarding ladder and blew up fenders. The dock was tied together with lines and wishful thinking. The repairs to the dock didn’t remedy the problems. Maybe good for an overnight stay, not worth the visit otherwise.

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Emailed to confirm they had moorings that could handle our weight-confirmation received from Nantucket Moorings-lady named Melissa. Made reservation using Dockwa- confirmed - arrived in Nantucket and followed protocol as to which channel to hail when abreast of which buoy. Called on phone, hailed them for two hours and thirty two minutes. No answer and Harbormaster couldn’t raise them either. If the people at Nantucket Mooring’s befell some tragedy I hope they all are going to make a fast recovery. With gale force conditions imminent we were fortunate to get a slip at Nantucket Boat Basin-a fantastic place.

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Anchored to be ready to transit Cape Cod canal. Good holding in 26kts of wind. 155kg Rocna and 175 feet of chain. A bit of rolling but acceptable,

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Good marina. Floating docks. Easy access - we were on the face dock. Ate onboard but it looks like lots of choices for eating in the town. Dock hands came out in the rain to help with our lines as we departed in the morning - thank you. Other boaters were very friendly. Good experience in all ways.

Marina Response:
Thank you for docking with us, please come visit again soon.
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Another superb Safe Harbor property. The depth on Docwa is 7 feet (which is wrong) and wouldn’t let me make a reservation online as we draw 7.5. Lilly took the reservation on the phone and straightened the problem out after I arrived. Smooth, professional service. Boatyard is clean, docks well maintained and the location is protected on three sides. We didn’t eat in the on-site restaurant but the beers were good. Easy approach.

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The dock master Rand was a 10 out of 10, truly superb, BUT the facilities are poorly maintained. The marina dock hands are not very effective. The staff that rent the boats are a disgrace- hoses left across the docks, garbage was strewn by their shed while three of them sat in chairs- no pride in what they do. The rental group is not part of the marina but they leave a terrible impression of the marina as a whole. When I suggested they should take some pride in what they do the three of them were unmotivated to address any of the issues- garbage was in the same place three hours later. Back to the premises themselves- resort fee is a way of charging more for little incremental value if any, very long walk from A dock to anywhere, water floods over the docks as boats pass by, the docks are covered with debris from the river, poor lighting and deck plates missing leaving holes two feet deep (a leg breaker for sure) - although the staff told us they are in the middle of upgrading the docks and facilities- be aware that at the moment the marina is very underwhelming. Location requires a rent a car, no shuttle provided.

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Called ahead to make sure there was a mooring that would be appropriate for our tonnage (270,000 lbs). They had a mooring with 1000 pounds of weight on the bottom. We moored but kept an eye on the anchor watch periodically throughout the night - we didn't move other than an arc around the mooring. Weather was calm. The reason I belabor this point is this was a first for us and we wanted to err on the side of caution. People in the harbor were very helpful and friendly. Picturesque town. Enjoyed watching the ferry from Connecticut. I would go back again because it was nice and peaceful. We were there midweek end of July.

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We arrived too late for a mooring ball rated for our weight (first come first get) so we anchored in 17 ft of water with a 155kg Rocna with 185 ft of chain. Very good holding in soft mud. The bay is so big that there is only wind protection if you are close to shore - where it is also shallow. Minimal wake due to absence of big boats. Water Taxi picked us up even though we weren’t on a mooring ball - apparently a rare exception. Nice town, quite a distance to the grocery store. Some good eateries close to the town dock (5 minute walk).

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Good stopping point before or after going through NYC. Exposed to wind except from the East. We anchored in 17 ft of water with a 155kg Rocna and 180 feet of chain.Good holding in mud. The rating would be higher except for the local traffic which seemed to want to see how close they could get to our boat while they buzzed us at full speed. We were there on a Friday in late June.

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A 2-3 knot current with an easy approach. Dock hands are very helpful. We overnighted on the face dock which are fixed-3.5 foot tide. Good basic marina with a really good restaurant. If you are picky the noise from vehicles on the bridge might bother you. I had a cold beer and thought of the sounds as a funky reggae beat. Great location midpoint on the C&D canal.

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A very good marina. We sat on the 900 ft long face dock. Freighters and barges passed by and there was no disturbance from the wake. Excellent facilities- dock was in perfect order; power, water and dockside pump out all worked flawlessly. Staff were helpful and courteous. Easy and safe walking distance to Fells Point and dozens of bars and eateries. A marina in a great location well worth a visit.

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Great anchorage We were the only boat during a weekday. Nice sandy beach nearby and PAX River NAS made for some interesting viewing as planes flew overhead. We held very well with a 150kg Rocna and 200 feet of chain

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Good location-close to the restaurants and other attractions. Fueled with a price break at 500 and a 1000 gallons. 70 yards from the Annapolis Yacht Club if you are a reciprocal member. Steve is great. Very accommodating-a class act. Minor issues-fixed docks are a challenge with a full moon low tide. Lighting along the docks was either turned off or do not work, so a bit of a problem. Security is not good. If you rent a car to do errands you might be better off with taxis and Uber. Parking was $30.00 during the week and $40.00 on weekend. Lot was not part of the marina and is poorly managed; and you need to leave your keys if you want to park overnight and then move the car before 20:00. Overall, and yes I have high expectations, the rating would be a 4.5.

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Excellent marina-docks are floating and very well maintained, staff are excellent, the town is a wonderful place steeped in history. The free trolley ride is worth taking and the National Park for the battlefields was most informative concerning Generals Washington and Cornwallis. Ben and Jerry’s ice cream was too convenient and we were FORCED to go there three times.

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Staff are wonderful- moved the rating from 1 to 3 stars. Marina itself is rundown with broken pedestals and water in the marina is filled with garbage. Shore power wasn’t dependable. The view and setting are pretty uninspiring-ugly actually. But, once again, the marina staff are great.

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Great location, wonderful staff but the face dock is not floating and makes boarding at low tide difficult on our boat. We moved up the river to a marina with floating docks and the Waterside dock master was absolutely gracious and allowed us to cancel the rest of our five day reservation. A great gesture that was much appreciated .

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Moderate squall in the afternoon, 7 -9 knots of wind throughout the night- good holding with a 155kg Rocna and 80 ft of chain.

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Well maintained, clean, like new docks and facilities. Helpful and friendly staff. We draw 7.5 feet and had no problem in the channel leading to the marina. Deep water on face dock. Convenient to grocery stores(2.5 miles). A very good experience, well worth a visit.

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